Leer en familiatertulias digitales en un programa de fomento de la lectura en la biblioteca
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2254-9099, 1885-446X
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: Prácticas literarias digitales: leer, escribir y conversar de literatura en línea
Volume: 20
Issue: 1
Pages: 23-37
Type: Article
More publications in: Ocnos: revista de estudios sobre lectura
Families’ active implication in literacy process has strong connections in children’s lives as reader: creating print-rich environ-ment and having many different types of reading and writing experiences supports literacy development and makes formal ed-ucation easier. In this process, libraries are a fundamental base because they help fami-lies and children to access as many materials as literacy situations. Formation contexts are increasingly getting opened to the web and virtual environments and literacy, text and reading practices notion are widening too. In this line, this work shows a study that analyses with an ad hoc category system, 753 interactions carried out over 6 months in two digital meeting in a library program to pro-mote reading with children from 2 to 7 years and their families. Results suggest that these digital meetings help to create reading com-munities that offer a digital area in which families can share experiences, doubts and materials and talk about children literature
Funding information
This research has been conducted within project Art. 83 LOU nº2014/00278/001 with the University of Salamanca and funded by Fundación Germán Sánchez-Ruipérez.Funders
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