Consensus document on the use of biosimilar granulocyte-colony stimulating factor for the correction of neutropenia associated in cancer patients
- Aranda Aguilar, E.
- Camps Herrero, C.
- Carrato Mena, A.
- Clopés Estela, A.
- Cruz Hernández, J.J.
- Delgado Sánchez, O.
- Díaz-Rubio García, E.
- Domínguez-Gil Hurlé, A.
- Dorantes Calderón, B.
- García Alfonso, P.
- Herrero Ambrosio, A.
ISSN: 1130-6343
Argitalpen urtea: 2010
Alea: 34
Zenbakia: SUPPL. 1
Orrialdeak: 45-50
Mota: Artikulua