Pensar la (teoría de la) educación, desde la tecnología de nuestro tiempo
- García del Dujo, Ángel 1
- Vlieghe, Joris 2
- Muñoz-Rodríguez, José Manuel 1
- Martín-Lucas, Judith 1
Universidad de Salamanca
KU Leuven
ISSN: 1130-3743
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 33
Issue: 2
Pages: 5-26
Type: Article
More publications in: Teoría de la educación
In (theory of) education we must address one question as soon as possible: how to create and think of education in keeping with the characteristics, demands and opportunities of this digital age. In this regard, after referring to the paths pedagogical research and educational practice have been following in this field, three questions are raised in the body of the article—ways of being, of experiencing the world and of creating knowledge of a subject whose relationship with the environment is mediated by a technology whose defining feature comes from a digital screen—which are demanding a new way of looking at education. In other words, three issues directly affected by the new scenario created by these technologies and which a (theory of) education of our times cannot ignore as that would amount to not (wanting) to see the transition occurring in ways of thinking and putting education into practice; the (theory of) education in our digital time somehow rests on or revolves around them. The article ends with a range of diverse, closely intertwined questions: epistemological, ontological, methodological, but also ethical and political, which give us a glimpse of the advisability or need to redirect thought in this field while forming a research programme; questions with sufficient potential to redirect (theory of) education research, including the very concept and meaning of educating and being educated.
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