Diccionario de onubensismos para la enseñanza de ELE

  1. Martín Camacho, Montemayor
Supervised by:
  1. María Victoria Galloso Camacho Director
  2. Dominique Bonnet Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 30 November 2020

  1. Francisco Javier de Santiago Guervós Chair
  2. María Amor Pérez Rodríguez Secretary
  3. Marta Samper Hernández Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research has the objective of creating a dictionary to be used in the ELE lessons, which may compile the different semantic peculiarities of the words used by the people from Huelva. Two reasons, in different frames, encourage us to develop this work: on the one hand, we would like to highlight the role of the dictionary in language teaching, and the importance of its use in the classroom; on the other hand, we point out, as essential, the learning of the lexical peculiarities of the culture where the students expect to get inserted, since its lack of learning would make an appropriate integration impossible. In this sense, our main objective consists not only of creating such a dictionary, but of setting the grounds and the starting point for the creation of this kind of works and its use in the ELE teaching field. This dissertation contains three important points, if we exclude the presentation and the final summary, perfectly distinguished: the first of them is a contextual frame where situational data about the province of Huelva (geographic, economic and linguistic situation) are provided, which help us understand the definitions of dialectism and onubensismo in the frame of this study, the same as a quick view of the use of the dictionary by the Spanish student; the second part develops the theoretical frame, getting into the role the dictionary acquires in the ELE teaching, as it shows the structure of different types of dictionaries to form a new approach; the third, and last part, is a practical proposal of a dictionary for teaching dialectal vocabulary to ELE students based on the convergence of the different studies which have been analysed, a pragmatical and eclectic approach, which only collects the inclusion of the dialectal variety in the classroom the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages proposes.