Langston Hughespoeta del pueblo y corresponsal de guerra afroamericano en España

  1. Ana Mª Fraile 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Las Brigadas Internacionales: 70 años de memoria histórica
  1. Rodríguez Celada, Antonio (ed. lit.)
  2. Pastor García, Daniel
  3. López Alonso, Rosa María

Verlag: Amarú

ISBN: 978-84-819-6269-7

Datum der Publikation: 2007

Seiten: 163-168

Art: Buch-Kapitel


In August 1937 Harlem poet laureate Langston Hughes traveled to Spain. His mission as a reporter was to inform about the on-going Spanich Civil War. This paper examines the coincidence of ideas between Hughes and the African American brigadiers based on Hughes's writings and on the letters of one of these brigadiers. Both extend the implications of the Spanish Civil War to the struggle against Jim Crow in the US, as well as to the confrotntation between Democracy and Fascism in the contemporary international landscape.