Francesco Petrarca y Garcilaso de la Vega en los comentarios de Ludovico Antonio Muratori y José Nicolás de Azara

  1. Laureano Núñez García 1
  1. 1 Iemyrhd, Universidad de Salamanca
Patrimonio textual y humanidades digitales
  1. Pedro M. Cátedra (dir.)
  2. Juan Miguel Valero (dir.)

Publisher: Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas y de Humanidades Digitales, IEMYRhd ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-121557-0-9 978-84-121557-6-1

Year of publication: 2020

Volume Title: Confluencias dieciochescas. Cartografías del saber en el siglo ilustrado

Volume: 6

Pages: 145-161

Type: Book chapter


This article attempts to compare two very representative works of the 18th century critical thought: Ludovico Antonio Muratori’s Rime di Francesco Petrarca (1711) and José Nicolás de Azara’s Obras de Garcilaso de la Vega ilustradas con notas (1765). In both cases, the reprint of the two famous poets’ poetic work was accompanied by the comments of its compilers resulting in an admirable attempt to review the literary past.Although both editions share an instructive and informative purpose, they distance themselves from the ultimate goal pursued. Nicolás de Azara’s work seeks above all to elevate Garcilaso de la Vega’s work to a lyrical model for the 18th century poets, a model whose proximity to the classical tradition and the stylish, simple and cultivated poetic language are commended. Muratori, for his part, conceives his comments on Petrarchan poetry as a guide for the Cancionero’s readers in order to clarify the most obscure passages as well as to recognize and appreciate where the compositions’ beauty is – and also often the imperfections. All in all, the final aim is to educate the readers on the refined poetic style.