Étude lexicométrique de la grande guerre. Le langageun vecteur idéologique?

  1. Universidad de Salamanca
Un certain regard. La langue française pour penser, appréhender et exprimer le monde: actes du XXVIIIe Colloque AFUE
  1. Gemma Sanz (coord.)
  2. Aránzazu Gil (coord.)
  3. Ana Belén Soto (coord.)
  4. Béatrice Marnet (coord.)
  5. Diego Muñoz (coord.)
  6. Marcelo Rodríguez (coord.)
  7. Marta Tordesillas (coord.)

Publisher: UAM

ISBN: 978-84-8344-758-1

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 142-155

Congress: Asociación de Francesistas de la Universidad Española. Coloquio (28. 2019. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


Can language be, in an implicit and subtle way, the vector of an ideology? The choice of certain words would they carry the thought or the opinion of the speaker, without even the receiver being able to perceive it? «What someone deliberately wants to conceal, to others and to oneself, is what he carries unconsciously and the language reveals it» (Klemperer, 1996: 35). Using a textual analysis program, we will analyze the lexicon used in the journalistic discourse in order to evaluate to what extent it could have conditioned public opinion.