Langmuir‐Blodgett Methodology: A Versatile Technique to Build 2D Material Films

  1. Alejo, Teresa 1
  2. López-Díaz, David 1
  3. Velázquez, María Mercedes 1
  4. Martín-García, Beatriz 1
  5. Merchán, María Dolores 1
  1. 1 Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Salamanca
Two-dimensional Materials - Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Applications

Año de publicación: 2016

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

DOI: 10.5772/63495 GOOGLE SCHOLAR


The Langmuir‐Blodgett (LB) methodology is based on the transfer process of a monolayer adsorbed at the water interface, Langmuir film, from the air‐water interface onto solids by vertical dipping of the substrate immersed on the subphase. The technique allows the continuous variation of material density, packing, and arrangement by compressing or expanding the film by using barriers. Consequently, it provides the possibility of preparing films with the control of interparticle distance necessary to exploit the two‐dimensional (2D) materials in technological applications. In this chapter, we present some examples of fabrication of thin films of 2D material using this methodology. We show some methodologies based on this technique to build thin films of graphene oxides, Quantum Dots (QDs), and silver nanowires.