Análisis fractográfico cuantitativo de alambres de pretensado comercial sometidos a ensayos de corrosión bajo tensión

  1. Fco. Javier Ayaso 1
  2. Antonio Fernández-Viña 1
  3. Jesús Toribio 1
  1. 1 Grupo de Investigación en Fractura e Integridad Estructural (GIFIE) Universidad de Salamanca (USAL)
Revista española de mecánica de la fractura

ISSN: 2792-4246

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 1

Páxinas: 211-216

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista española de mecánica de la fractura


This paper contains a quantitative fractographic analyses of the fracture surface of initially-smooth samples of commercial prestressing steel wires subjected to tensile tests in aggressive environment promoted by a corrosion cell. Two testing rates were used: one moderately fast (0,1 mm/min) and another moderately slow (0,01 mm/min). The electro-chemical potential used covers a wide range (from –400 to –1400 mV SCE), thus including from anodic to cathodic conditions. The main objective is focused on the study of the fracture surface for those specimens that failed due to the aggressive environment (inside corrosion cell). The analysis of the fracture surface is made from a quantitative and qualitative point of view.