Prolegómenos a HomeroLa teoría de la épica en la ilustración

  1. Claudia García-minguillán 1
  1. 1 Iemyrhd, Universidad de Salamanca & Université de Poitiers
Patrimonio textual y humanidades digitales
  1. Pedro M. Cátedra (dir.)
  2. Juan Miguel Valero (dir.)

Publisher: Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas y de Humanidades Digitales, IEMYRhd ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-121557-0-9 978-84-121557-6-1

Year of publication: 2020

Volume Title: Confluencias dieciochescas. Cartografías del saber en el siglo ilustrado

Volume: 6

Pages: 85-100

Type: Book chapter


The questioned relevance of the epic genre in the Enlightenment century is evident in the face of the irruption of other agents in the literary field. However, within the conceptual framework of the survival of the Greco-Latin classics, agitated debates are motivated about the figures of Homer and Virgil, thus perpetuating both their literary influence and that of the genre they stood for. In this way, faced with a desolate field of epic production, the genre is turned over in literary theory, highlighting its prominence especially on the French side of the well-known dispute between the ancient and modern. With this work we propose a proposal of periodization of the theory of the Enlightenment epic and its relationship with the figure of Homer, to deal with the transition from an imperturbable classic to a universal model, a conceptual framework through which the great authors of the classical period will have to pass