Historial de un libro España en su historia en el epistolario entre Américo Castro y María Rosa Lida

  1. Juan-Carlos Conde 1
  1. 1 IEMYRhd-Universidad de Salamanca
Patrimonio textual y humanidades digitales
  1. Pedro M. Cátedra (dir.)
  2. Juan Miguel Valero (dir.)

Publisher: Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas y de Humanidades Digitales, IEMYRhd ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-121557-0-9 978-84-121557-3-0

Year of publication: 2021

Volume Title: Edad Media

Volume: 3

Pages: 139-155

Type: Book chapter


This paper explores the nature and the extent of the help provided by the Argentinian scholar María Rosa Lida de Malkiel (1910-1962) to the Spanish historian Américo Castro (1885-1972) during the final phase of the production of España en su historia (Buenos Aires: Losada, 1948), the book in which Castro presented for the first time his radically innovative views on Spanish history. The information on which this study is based come in the most part from the correspondence exchanged by Lida and Castro; its publication is announced as forthcoming in this paper, but it has already been published («Una laguna sumergida». Epistolario de Américo Castro & María Rosa Lida de Malkiel. Edición de Juan-Carlos Conde. Salamanca, SEMYR & SEHL, 2019).