Flexibilidade cognitivaestudos de conceptualização e operacionalização do construto

  1. Guerra, Cristina Gama
Supervised by:
  1. Adelinda Araújo Candeias Director
  2. Gerardo Prieto Adánez Co-director

Defence university: Universidade de Évora

Fecha de defensa: 10 January 2013

Type: Thesis


The thesis main goal is the conceptualization and evaluative operationalization of the cognitive flexibility construct as a mental process, seeking to explore the dimensions that constitute it. Other goal is also the understanding of the relation between cognitive flexibility, as a mental process, and intelligent behavior. For this purpose, a construct measurement probe was designed: Cognitive Flexibility Performance Probe (Prova de Desempenho de Flexibilidade – PDFC). The probe is made up of six situations, with a mixed format, i.e., verbal sub-scale and a pictorial sub-scale. The final study was made with a 603 higher student’s sample, the results being analyzed through the Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory. The obtained results indicate a promising proof regarding the cognitive flexibility as a mental process measurement that satisfies the recommendations of AEA, APA & NMCE (1999) and demonstrate a dependency relation between cognitive flexibility, fluid, crystallized and academic intelligence.