Narrativas en torno a la fotografía humanitaria: una experiencia de creación en el museo

  1. Ana Hernández Gándara
  2. Marta Arévalo Baeza
  3. Galo Sánchez Sánchez
Conference Proceedings CIVAE 2020

Publisher: MusicoGuia

ISBN: 978-84-09-22970-3

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 351-357

Congress: Conference Proceedings CIVAE (2. 2020. null)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


This experience establishes a dialogue between visual and body language, bringing educational opportunities to work on visual narrative inquiry through the photographic series of the XXII Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Prize. We take photojournalism as a starting point, which addresses issues related to narratives that show social inequities, injustices and / or human rights abuses, or the situations that promote or combat them. This experience is part of a process of discursive construction through the moving body, responding to particular codes that are based on the symbolic.