Visual analyticsA novel approach in corpus linguistics and the Nuevo Diccionario Histórico del Español

  1. Roberto Therón 1
  2. Laura Fontanillo Fontanillo 1
  3. Andrés Esteban Marcos 1
  4. Carlos Seguín Herrero 1
  1. 1 Departamento de informática y automática, Universidad de Salamanca
Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones: presente y futuro en el análisis de corpus: Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Lingüistica de Corpus
  1. María Luisa Carrió Pastor (ed. lit.)
  2. Miguel Ángel Candel Mora (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia = Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-694-6225-6

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 335-342

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Lingüistica de Corpus (3. 2011. Valencia)

Type: Conference paper


The aim of this article is to introduce visual analysis in corpus linguistics. This is a novel approach that is based on the integration of automated processes and humans’ unique abilities, within a common effort to gain insight into complex problems that have to deal with vast amounts of data. In particular, our intention was the advancement of the application of information visualisation techniques to the diachronic linguistics field. The proposal of novel, highly interactive, visual solutions is approached by means of the Computational Information Design methodology, an integral process that brings together fields such as information visualisation, computational linguistics, data mining and graphic design, for the creation of tools that truly support knowledge discovery and other general tasks carried out by linguists. The article discusses the choices made for the design and development of interactive visual tools triggered by the creation of the New Spanish Historical Dictionary (Nuevo Diccionario Histórico del Español, NDHE).