La brecha de género en el sector STEM en América Latina: una propuesta europea

  1. Alicia García-Holgado
  2. Amparo Camacho Díaz
  3. Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Aprendizaje, innovación y cooperación como impulsores del cambio metodológico. Actas del V congreso internacional sobre aprendizaje, innovación y cooperación, CINAIC 2019
  1. Maria Luisa Sein-Echaluce Lacleta
  2. Ángel Fidalgo Blanco
  3. Francisco José García Peñalvo

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-16723-77-5

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 704-709

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Cooperación (5. 2019. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


The participation of women in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in the Latin American region is a very complex problem that necessarily requires actions from different actors, such as governments, the private sector and families, as well as the different levels of education (from childhood to higher education). In this context, higher education institutions should focus on those needs and situations in which they have some influence to achieve real progress, such as the low number of women pursuing STEM studies or the lack of bridges between public policy and actions institutional. The project Building the future of Latin America: engaging women into STEM (W-STEM) aims to improve the strategies and mechanisms of attraction, access, and guidance of women in STEM higher education programs in Latin America. This paper presents the main actions framed within the project, and the first results focused on the visibility of women in STEM areas.