De Atanarico a ValiaAproximación a los orígenes de la monarquía visigoda

  1. Valverde Castro, María del Rosario
Studia historica. Historia antigua

ISSN: 0213-2052

Year of publication: 1994

Issue: 12

Pages: 143-158

Type: Article

More publications in: Studia historica. Historia antigua


During the time the visigoths stayed away from the frontiers of the Roman Empire, a new form of government appeared, running parallel to the process of social destribalization, and operating as causa and effect at the same time: the monarchy, which will be elective and no permanent and will carry out military functions. Once the visigoths are settled on imperial territories, their monarchs turn into federated kings, and a proccess of extension or royal atributions is to be started; this process will finally modifícate the own nature of the monarchical institution. By the end of the migratory period, the visigothic monarchy has changed into the central and permanent government body and tends to impose the heritage as the successory system.