Investigación bibliográfica sobre la atención de enfermería en la laringectomía total

  2. Jose Luis PARDAL-REFOYO
Revista ORL

ISSN: 2444-7986 2444-7986

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 10

Issue: 2

Pages: 121-132

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista ORL


Introduction: laryngeal cancer is in sixth place in relation to the cancer mortality in Spain in males. The total extirpation of the larynx is a frequent treatment option in stage III and IV carcinomas. Objective: To identify the best evidence in nursing care to the laryngectomized patient. Method: Systematic review in the period 2008-2018, following the established inclusion criteria. Results: 21 articles dealing with nursing care after total laryngectomy were included. Discussion: The fields of nursing action are currently 6 according to the literature found. There is disagreement in certain ways of addressing the needs altered. Conclusions: it is important to train the nursing staff to improve their emotional and educational support. Cures in a humid environment, early enteral nutrition and early oral feeding, the tracheoesophageal voice with voice prosthesis and the heat and humidity exchanger are the best ways to restore the altered needs according to the evidence found.

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