Geomática aplicada al análisis de riesgos geológicos

  1. Cando Jácome, Marcelo
Dirigée par:
  1. Antonio Miguel Martínez Graña Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 30 juin 2020

  1. Juan Carlos Gonzalo Corral President
  2. Kervin Chunga Morán Secrétaire
  3. Irene de Bustamante Gutiérrez Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


This Doctoral Thesis has been carried out through the compendium format of articles, with clearly differentiated and concatenated objectives in order to expand knowledge on the implementation of new methodologies in Applied Geomatics using information of public use for the management of natural hazard in the reduction of Geological Risk. Emphasis has been placed on making the community aware of the benefits of analyzing geological risks in advance to spatially identify them and establish structural corrections as a prevention criterion, which implies preparing previously maps of areas susceptible to mass movements, floods, water erosion, Earthquake-tectonic-volcanic maps and geotechnical problems, from Applied Geomatics (Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Numerical Modeling) and georeferenced spatial information. Five geomatic methods applied to the reduction of geological risk are developed in this thesis, validated by their application to different geological risks in various regions of Ecuador.