Pautas de localización de la industria agroalimentaria en las regiones interiores de España

  1. José Manuel Llorente Pinto
  2. José Luis Sánchez Hernández
  3. José Luis Alonso Santos
  4. Valeriano Rodero González
Revalorizando el espacio rural: leer el pasado para ganar el futuro : XVII Coloquio de Geografía Rural, Colorural 2014, Girona, 3-6 de septiembre de 2014
  1. Pavón, David (dir.)
  2. Anna Ribas Palom (dir.)
  3. Sandra Ricart Casadevall (dir.)
  4. Anna Roca Torrent (dir.)
  5. Isabel Salamaña Serra (dir.)
  6. Cristina Tous de Sousa (dir.)

Publisher: Documenta Universitaria

ISBN: 978-84-9984-253-0

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 89

Congress: Coloquio de Geografía Rural (17. 2014. Girona)

Type: Conference paper


This paper analyses the spatial distribution of agrofood industries in Spanish inland regions. By using spatial statistics, agrofood clusters are mapped and correlation tests show that agrofood companies are less concentrated than population. Hence, 55 per cent of firms are located in rural municipalities under pop. 10,000 not inf luenced by peri-urban dynamics. Rural towns populated between 10,000 and 35,000 constitute a second pillar in the location pattern. The region-city of Madrid is the largest agrofood hotspot in the area under scrutiny.