Encuesta y análisis sobre satisfacción, uso y consumo de televisiones públicas en España. La brecha generacional
- Azurmendi, Ana 1
- Ortega-Mohedano, Félix
- Muñoz Saldaña, Mercedes
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 1138-5820
Ano de publicación: 2019
Número: 74
Páxinas: 1834-1863
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable
Introduction. The digital impact on the audiovisual sector has transformed public television.This is particularly relevant in Spain where, in December 2017, the number of mobile lines exceeded51.5 million (Fundación Telefónica 2018), and where 86% of young people own a Smartphone, whichthey use as a reference device for instant messaging (81.7%), access to social networks (77.5%), musicconsumption (65.2%) and streaming videos (52.2) (We Are Social and Hootsuite, 2018).Methodology: Taking into account this scenario, we have conducted a survey, with support from theQualtrics platform, to investigate three essential aspects: 1. Whether or not there is a correlationbetween the use of a certain type of device with which television is watched and the degree ofsatisfaction with public television; 2. What is the content of public television that most attracts youngaudiences; 3. To what extent the contents of public televisions offered on social networks are followed,if they are followed in a special way by young people. Results: The work collects and analyses theresults of this survey.
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