Distinct levels in Pom1 gradients limit Cdr2 activity and localization to time and position division

  1. Bhatia, P.
  2. Hachet, O.
  3. Hersch, M.
  4. Rincon, S.A.
  5. Berthelot-Grosjean, M.
  6. Dalessi, S.
  7. Basterra, L.
  8. Bergmann, S.
  9. Paoletti, A.
  10. Martin, S.G.
Cell Cycle

ISSN: 1551-4005 1538-4101

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Ausgabe: 13

Nummer: 4

Seiten: 538-552

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.4161/CC.27411 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor