La casa internacional de vidrieras Maumejean y su entornodesde 1862 hasta nuestros días

  1. Hernanz Maderuelo, Ricardo
Supervised by:
  1. María Pilar Alonso Abad Director

Defence university: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 24 September 2021

  1. Castrillejo Ibáñez Félix María Chair
  2. Sergio Sánchez Collantes Secretary
  3. María Concepción Porras Gil Committee member
  4. Domingo Hernández Sánchez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 687854 DIALNET


The Maumejean collection kept in the National Glass Center Museum is listed as one of the most important collections of Decorative Art on stained glass in the world. The International House of Stained Glass Maumejean, which developed its activity during the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, is a benchmark in the stained glass sector with more than five thousand works spread over all continents. Paying special attention to the main exhibitions -national and international- in which they participated and the use of bibliographic sources based on newspapers of that time, we are introduced to the artistic and socio-economic environment during the time when they were active in Europe. The vision of contemporary British, French and Central European stained-glass workshops, as well as the incipient Spanish ones, complement the vision of an art that, because it was branded as industrial and minor art, had not been given the required attention.