ELN iMDS flow working group validation of the monocyte assay for chronic myelomonocytic leukemia diagnosis by flow cytometry

  1. Wagner-Ballon, O.
  2. Bettelheim, P.
  3. Lauf, J.
  4. Bellos, F.
  5. Della Porta, M.
  6. Travaglino, E.
  7. Subira, D.
  8. Lopez, I.N.
  9. Tarfi, S.
  10. Westers, T.M.
  11. Johansson, U.
  12. Psarra, K.
  13. Karathanos, S.
  14. Matarraz, S.
  15. Colado, E.
  16. Gupta, M.
  17. Ireland, R.
  18. Kern, W.
  19. Van De Loosdrecht, A.A.
Cytometry Part B - Clinical Cytometry

ISSN: 1552-4957 1552-4949

Année de publication: 2023

Volumen: 104

Número: 1

Pages: 66-76

Type: Article


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