Música ritual y trance. El ritual maro como estudio de caso

  1. Marina González Varga
Etno: Cuadernos de Etnomusicología

ISSN: 2014-4660

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 8

Seiten: 104-127

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Etno: Cuadernos de Etnomusicología


Among the Toraja society in the mountains of the Southern region of Sulawesi, we can find a society which their music is full of meaning and tightly related with social structure and hierarchy, and also play a key role in the acculturation since childhood. For this reason, it’s especially interesting the research in this field with a specific symbolic space and context which the ritual brings. In this way, the fact that music has a direct relacion with ritual life and culture, led us to think whether other aspects of ritual life could be related with music too, like trance. This music is fully understood as a way of collective identity. Therefore, we can ask ourselves, could we assume that trance through music is induced or produced? are there some specific musical characteristics in trance music in whatever community?

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