Promoción del Pensamiento Computacional en estudiantes pre-universitarios: ¿cómo se emocionan?
- Rafael Herrero Álvarez 1
- Coromoto León 1
- Gara Miranda 1
- Eduardo Segredo 1
- Óscar Socas 1
- María Cuellar-Moreno 1
- Daniel Caballero-Julia 2
- Laura García 1
- Yolanda Díaz 1
Universidad de La Laguna
- 2 Unite de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire Sport Santé Societé, Université de Lille
- Carlos Catalán Cantero (ed. lit.)
- Francisco Grimaldo Moreno (ed. lit.)
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISSN: 2531-0607
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 6
Pages: 227-234
Type: Conference paper
This paper presents a study of the emotions that areproduced in pre-university students when performingComputational Thinking activities. Two strategies arecompared in which the guided and discovery methodologies are interspersed. It is concluded that positiveand ambiguous emotions are mainly produced, whilenegative ones have relatively low intensity. It is alsoobserved in relation to the modalities, that in secondary, girls seem to show less intensity in positive andambiguous emotions and a slight increase in negativeones. Regarding the two strategies used, no significantdifferences were observed at any time above the mean
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