La revisión de oficio desde la práctica consultiva en Castilla y León
- Agustín S. de Vega
- Beatriz Martín Lorenzo
ISSN: 1698-6849
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: Monográfico sobre las leyes 39/2015 y 40/2015, de 1 de octubre
Issue: 32
Pages: 175-200
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista española de la función consultiva
This paper presents a general overview of the institute for the ex officio review of null and void acts and provisions, exposed through its practical application by the Consultative Council of Castilla y León (CCCYL). First, the paper covers various general questions about the nature of said review, requirements, legitimacy, competence, review procedure, consultation with the Consultative Council and the relationship with other review instruments: declaration of injury, revocation and administrative appeals. In a second part, the defining features of the different legal causes of nullity are addressed through the casuistry raised in the exercise of the advisory function in Castilla y León. The study ends with the reference to the application of the limits that prevent the ex officio review to be carried out, as a manifestation of the delicate compromise between the principles of legality and legal certainty