El derecho a deducir IVA de las televisiones publicasel caso de la BNT búlgara
ISSN: 1696-0173
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 1
Pages: 211-220
Type: Article
More publications in: Nueva fiscalidad
The VAT borne by public television has been an element of debate that has been clarified by the CJEU, in line with the case of the BNT in Bulgaria. The CJEU has determined that the programming received by television users and for which they do not pay a price is not an operation subject to VAT. In this sense, it differentiates between programming activity and purely commercial activity, the latter of which is subject to VAT. In this way, for the CJEU, the VAT paid indistinctly for both activities must be deducted only by a proportional criterion to prevent said right for the part that corresponds to the non-subject activities. This approach has modified the criterion maintained by the TEAC. As a result of the STJEU, it is up to the Member States to define a stable method to allow the proportional deduction of input VAT when it is used for both subject and non-subject activities. The realization of this method does not seem particularly easy to us.
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