La inserción del número musical en las series de televisiónel papel de la música en Scrubs

  1. Judith Helvia García Martín
Etno: Cuadernos de Etnomusicología

ISSN: 2014-4660

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Titel der Ausgabe: Relación de la música con los medios audiovisuales

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 204-219

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Etno: Cuadernos de Etnomusicología


In spite of the undeniable importance and presence of music in American TV series, so in a diegetic and non-diegetic way, there is one of them in which this element receives special relevancy. We speak about Scrubs which, although being based on the stale argument in which a group of students of medicine tries to go out forward in the competitive environment of a hospital, has something special: an elegant musical selection that it is almost never eventful. Sometimes, the choice of the musical themes is linked to the musical biography of the prominent figures, and some other times the lyrics refer direct or indirectly to the development of the plot of every chapter, to events or to specific prominent characters. The frequent fantasies, in which the main character, Doctor John Dorian, is involved, are riddled with musical emblematic references to the pop – rock music of the last sixty years, giving us a rich and representative sample of what the last three generations have been listening to. The importance of the Original Soundtrack is large, not only emulating scenes of the Broadway's musicals but also occasionally making a complete chapter, "My Musical ". Along this article, we will analyze descriptively some of the moments in which the musical anthology of this TV series becomes present, being probably one of the main keys of its success.