La educación afectivo-sexual en Galicia mediada por los centros de información y asesoramento para el alumnado de educación secundaria

  1. Carballeira Vieites, Lucía
Supervised by:
  1. Ana Sánchez-Bello Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 27 September 2022

  1. Jurjo Torres Santomé Chair
  2. María Angeles Parrilla Latas Secretary
  3. María Cruz Sánchez Gómez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 745424 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The Doctoral Thesis that we present seeks the contribution to the field of Social Work, Education, Anthropology and Sexology, focused on the educational and informative offer of the Galician information and advice centers. Starting from a sexological approach, the focus is on the demand of the Galician students who receive the training of the analyzed centers, in order to determine if what they offer corresponds to the demands and needs of the youth. Despite the fact that the years go by, society continues to show deficiencies in the field of Affective-Sexual Education, which is why we focus our research on the demand expressed by Galician students who receive training in sexuality, in order to show their adequacy to the training needs of secondary school students in Galicia. Throughout the work carried out, we will address the social construction of sexuality, focusing on the different existing models of Affective-Sexual Education and on the objectives of Affective-Sexual Education, exposing the different theoretical controversies. The conceptual analysis around Affective-Sexual Education starts from the proposals of sexuality provided by the WHO (World Health Organization) as well as in the different sexual rights established by the WAS (World Association of Sexology) and the World League for Sexual Reform on Scientific Basis (LMRSBC). In order to infer results consistent with the research questions, a qualitative methodology was carried out that aims to investigate whether the Affective-Sexual training received by the students covers the demands and training needs of the students of Compulsory Secondary.