Hombre y Sociedad en Séneca

  1. Carmen Codoñer 1
  1. 1 Facultad de Filología Universidad de Salamanca

ISSN: 1889-1128

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 14

Pages: 99-114

Type: Article

More publications in: Liburna

Sustainable development goals


Seneca placed the individual within society in its different manifestations. Responsibilities as a member of the various forms adopted by society, as well as the role played by each of them, vary. Special attention is given to its behaviour as a human being, irrespective of the society to which he or she belongs.

Bibliographic References

  • Codoñer, Carmen (2003), “La expresión del poder en Séneca”, en A. de Vivo; E. lo Cascio (edd.), Seneca uomo político e l’età di Claudio e Nerone, Bari, 55–88.
  • Griffin, Miriam T. (2003), “Seneca as a sociologist: de beneficiis”, en de Vivo; E. lo Cascio, op. cit., 89–122.
  • Schirok, Edith (2005), “Ecce altera quaestio, quomodo hominibus sit utendum. Seneca über den Umgang mit Menschen”, en T. Baier et alii, Seneca: philosophus et magister, Freiburg–Berlin, 225–254.