La música en el anuncio electoral del PSOE de Castilla y León (2022)¿marco para un patriotismo progresista?

  1. Hernández Mateos, Alberto 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Popular Music Research Today: revista online de divulgación musicológica

ISSN: 2659-6482

Ano de publicación: 2022

Título do exemplar: Popular Music Research Today

Volume: 4

Número: 1

Páxinas: 47-68

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14201/PMRT.29198 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Popular Music Research Today: revista online de divulgación musicológica


Television ads are of crucial importance in election campaigns. However, there are still few studies focused on analysing the role of music in these spots. This case study aims to analyse the function of music in an electoral advertisement and its contribution to the construction of meanings. Based on the latest contributions of Paul Christiansen in the classification of the emotions evoked by electoral spots, and taking into account other studies of reference in the fields of musicology and political communication, the hypothesis is put forward that the music in this ad contributes to structuring the visual and verbal message, to reinforcing the candidate's leadership and to generating an emotional climate of hope. The comparison of the spot with others from the United States, and its interpretation in the context of the socialist campaign, lead us to qualify this hypothesis and explain how music serves as a transmitter of patriotic feelings. This study allows us to demonstrate the importance of music in constructing emotional narratives in the context of political communication, and to assess some factors that explain the success or failure of such narrations.

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