El uso del espacio en la lagartija balear Podarcis lilfordi. Factores causales en la Isla del Aire
- Valentín Pérez-Mellado
- Teresa García Díez
- José Ángel Hernández Estévez
- Carlos Herrero Ayuso
- Núria Riera Riera
- Isabel Catalán Barrio
ISSN: 0211-4550, 2659-4544
Year of publication: 2013
Issue: 92
Pages: 189-218
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Menorca
The use of space of the balearic lizard, Podarcis lilfordi. Causal factors at Aire Island.during April, June and July 2004 the use of space on a study plot of 2500 m2at the central area of Aire Island (Menorca, balearic Islands, Spain) have been studied. This area is characterized by a dense shrub cover, mainly composed by Suaeda vera, as well as large areas of rocks and a very high density of the dead horse arum, Dracunculus muscivorus.3324 captures and recaptures from 766 lizards were obtained. The average home range size was around 138 m2 for those lizards with four or more recap-tures. We did not detect significant differences in home range size between adult males and females, nor among the three months under study. The home range size of the balearic lizard is similar to those recorded for other small lacertid lizards of the Mediterranean basin. We did not find any significant correlation between body size and home range size, with only marginally sig-nificant results for adult females. Anyway, in all partial analyses on each stu-died month the correlation was negative, perhaps indicating the occupation of smaller but better, from the viewpoint of available resources, home ranges by larger lizards. The extent of home range overlap is a clear indication of the absence of terri-torial behaviour in the balearic lizard, both in males and females. While during April, we observed lower home range overlap between adult females. on the other hand, adult males showed a higher home range overlap from June, in spi-te of a lower number of males present at the study plot during this month. This result could indicate a higher tolerance between males after disappearance of flowering dead horse arums. The monopolizing of open inflorescences during April did not lead in a di-fferent spatial distribution of males and females in relation to plants and both sexes exhibited similar distances to dead horse arums. however, during June, within the peak of the ripening period, distances to plants were significantly shorter in adult males.We discuss the significance of a not lasting resource as the dead horse arum for space use of the balearic lizard, contrasting with patterns observed at conti-nental populations of small lacertid lizards, where refuges and other structural elements of the habitat are more relevant to explain the spatial distribution of lizards. We propose the hypothesis that these differences are only possible because of particular conditions of microinsular environments of the Mediterranean, characterized by poor trophic resources and a low predation pressure.
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