Los Pelomedusidae (Chelonia) del Eoceno de Corrales del Vino (Zamora, España)

  1. Jiménez Fuentes, Emiliano
Studia geologica salmanticensia

ISSN: 0211-8327

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 43

Pages: 227-245

Type: Article

More publications in: Studia geologica salmanticensia


The finding of 8 specimens of Neochelys aff. salmanticensis (Jiménez, 1968) in the paleontological excavation "El Tejar-93" (Middle Eocene of Corrales del Vino, Zamora, Spain) has resulted in the observation of the sexual dimorphism present in this Pelomedusidae specie. Sexual dimorphism is characterized by: 1. Female individuals are larger (49-55 cm) than males (30-36 cm). 2. Female length equals their width. 3. The female xifiplastral termination is sharp in the female individuals while it is rounded in the male ones.