Plantas medicinales españolasFamilia «Rosaceae»

  1. Mattos Gesteira, Edson
  2. Santos Bobillo, María Teresa
  3. Alonso Beato, María Teresa
  4. Ladero Álvarez, Miguel
  5. Ladero Santos, Ignacio
Studia botanica

ISSN: 0211-9714

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 27

Pages: 9-142

Type: Article

More publications in: Studia botanica


The monograph of 17 medical species belonging to the Rosaceae family is carried out. Each monograph comprises the botanical description of the plant, its habitat and growth, the harvesting and preservation of the drug; the study and description of morphological and anatomomicroscopical characteristics of the officinal organ allows the drug to be identified in flakes. The most notable differences of the plants which substitute or adulterate them are described. The chemical composition and pharmacological actions are included and therapeutical applications are explained as well as the method of administration and its directions of use/dosage. Warnings of possible risks derived from the use of the drug are included. Finally, some magister formulae in which each of the species intervenues are quoted.