Avatares del discurso internacional de los Derechos Humanos de la ONU. Derivas y alternativas

  1. María Esther Martínez Quinteiro
El cincuentenario de los pactos internacionales de derechos humanos de la ONU: Libro homenaje a la profesora M.ª Esther Martínez Quinteiro
  1. María de la Paz Pando Ballesteros (ed. lit.)
  2. Pedro Garrido Rodríguez (ed. lit.)
  3. Alicia Muñoz Ramírez (ed. lit.)
  4. M.ª Esther Martínez Quinteiro (hom.)

Publisher: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-9012-850-3

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 79-108

Type: Book chapter


The construction of the proactive and normative discourse of universal human rights by the UN, in order to design a democratic world praxis, was a necessary and timely process, but bristling with difficulties. To approach positions and overcome the difficulties, from the beginning, the UN drew on to possibilist attitude, the laxity of controls, and the fragmentation of the proposal of recognition of rights, so that, as a minor wrong, States could adhere to the axiological project of convergence in minimum progressively and “by areas”. This strategy, at first crowned by success, allowed progress, at the expense of logical coherence, but it reveals increasing operational fissures, as the UN assumes the growing demands of groups with diverse and sometimes opposedinterests. These fissures are exploited by the promoters of “alternative rights discourses”, neoconservatives, patriarchal, religious, political, relativist, communitarian, sovereign, or neoliberal, who, taking advantage of the procedural weaknesses in the system of implementation of the discourse of human rights and the growing obsolescence and discredit of the structure of the United Nations, where it is agreed, erode the solidity of this discursive construct, its greatest success. The author concludes that we must not abandon the ship necessary for our planetary journey when the hull makes water, but to plug the cracks