Archivos y archiveros de las Reales Sociedades Económicas de Amigos del Paísgénesis y gestión: el caso de León (1782-1939)

  1. González Cachafeiro, Javier
Supervised by:
  1. María del Carmen Rodríguez López Director
  2. Diego Navarro Bonilla Director

Defence university: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 09 December 2022

  1. María Paz Martín-Pozuelo Campillos Chair
  2. Manuela Moro Cabero Secretary
  3. Rafael Ceballos Roa Secretary

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 792566 DIALNET


The Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country was founded in León on April 1, 1782, with the aim of promoting agriculture, industry or culture. The Societies grew exponentially throughout Spain, reaching the whole territory of our country. After establishing the background and socioeconomic conditions, which led to the creation and development of the Royal Societies all over Spain, this research undertakes the study of the creation and development of the Leonese Society from the documentation generated by the institution over the course of its activities and work, or as recipient of the ones generated by the rest, since the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country of León created an archive, which is the main object of study of this dissertation. The preserved documents have been contextualized, as well as the professional profiles of those who were in charge of the archive from 1782 to 1939.