Coreografías activistas en el crowdfundingel caso de “silenciados” en @verkami
ISSN: 1696-2079
Year of publication: 2017
Issue Title: La economía colaborativa en la era del capitalismo digital
Issue: 15
Pages: 194-222
Type: Article
More publications in: : revista de estudios para el desarrollo social de la Comunicación
Sustainable development goals
Crowdfunding is a new phenomenon that has not yet been researched at length. The need to analyze it from perspectives that go beyond financial considerations is becoming increasingly evident as it is a phenomenon seen more and more in everyday life, and it reveals various facets of social, economic and political life. Within this realm of the internet, users interrelate in a way that is not casual, but abides by the continuous reproduction of certain values, such as developing transparency, horizontality or the rejection and distrust towards traditional institutional structures. These users’ unconscious identification with these values is such that, when they are questioned, all kinds of activist choreographies emerge to vindicate these values and get the collective behaviour of crowdfunding communities back to functioning as normal. To explain this issue, a case study of the hosting of the documentary “Silenciados”, found on the “Verkami” crowdfunding platform, will be presented.
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