El risc de caiguda del pacient ambulatori amb malaltia crònicainventari de detecció de factors de risc de caiguda

  1. Molina Robles, Esmeralda
Supervised by:
  1. Emilia Chirveches-Pérez Director
  2. Juan Carlos Casas Baroy Co-director

Defence university: Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya

Fecha de defensa: 09 April 2021

  1. Jaume Canela Soler Chair
  2. Meltem Yildirim Secretary
  3. Juan F. Blanco Blanco Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 707715 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This thesis is aimed at three main chapters. The first chapter describes the impact of an educational intervention and physical exercises on muscle strength, functional capacity, pain perception, personal wellbeing, knowledge and health promotion behavior in patients with chronic kidney disease in hemodialysis. The second chapter refers to the realization of a systematic review of the literature in which are identified the instruments for measuring the risk of fall used in the adult population with chronic disease and are described their dimensions, risk factors and /or the items they contemplate. And, in the third chapter presents the procedure used for the elaboration of an inventory of detection of risk factors of fall for outpatient with chronic illness from which arises an individualized proposal of preventive health activities that could reduce falls in this population group.