Modificaciones de los estereotipos sobre los mayores

  1. Melero Marcos, Luis
Comunicación e persoas maiores: Actas do Foro Internacional
  1. Álvarez Pousa, Lois (coord.)
  2. Pim, Joám Evans (coord.)
  3. Kristensen, Bárbara (coord.)

Publisher: Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia

ISBN: 978-84-690-7017-8

Year of publication: 2007

Pages: 29-46

Type: Book chapter


The great older population increase is producing significants changes among relations between different groups of age. The studies about human ageing shows insistently the existence of problems in the structure, organization and relations among different generations and all of this is concerning, significantly, to the formation of attitudes respecting this group of age. Since this perspective, that we could denominate ¿intergenerational conflict¿, the advances in the elder life improvement are perceived sometimes in a erroneous way by the younger generations. On this wrong analysis, some negatives stereotypes about oldness can emerge, seeming to be shared by adolescents and young people. Old people looks like a restrictive authoritarian and censor image. These images are based in false beliefs about oldness. We pretend to show that such beliefs could be modified, though the difficulties, if people received appropiate information, mainly in the fundamental formation periods.