Prevalencia de Prototipos de Personalidad en Adolescentes
- María Victoria López-Sánchez 1
- José Antonio López-Villalobos 2
- Jesús María Andrés de Llano 4
- Isabel Serrano Pintado
- 1 Servicio de Salud Mental. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla de Santander, España.
- 2 Servicio de Salud Mental. Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia, España
- 3 Profesora de la Facultad de Psicología Universidad de Salamanca, España.
- 4 Servicio de Pediatría. Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia, España
ISSN: 2660-7271, 1130-9512
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 40
Issue: 2
Pages: 11-22
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil
Background: Personality traits are configured in personality styles or prototypes that are more stable from adolescence onwards, inf luence the consolidation of adult personality and are expressed in their most pathological variant in personality disorders. Research objective: To s t u d y the prevalence of notably prominent personality prototypes (PRPND) in the clinical and general population settings. Material and method: Random sampling of general population (n = 461) and consecutive sampling in a clinical setting (n = 219). Adolescents 13-17 years old. Measuring instrument: Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI). Prevalence cut-off point: direct scoring of the prime rate score 85 without transformation. Results: Prevalence in percentages of PRPND (first data clinical sample/ 2nd general data): Introversive (8,2 / 4,6); Inhibited (10 / 5,4); Doleful (5,9 / 3,7); Submissive (14,2 / 10,2); Dramatizing (16 / 14,8); Egotistic (21,5 / 19,7); Unruly (12,8 / 11,7); Forceful (11,9 / 6,3); Conforming (13,3 / 21,5); Oppositional (9,6 / 5,6); Self-Demeaning (9,1 / 3,5) and Borderline Tendency (9,6 / 3,7), Significant differences were observed in Inhibited, Forceful, Self-Demeaning, Borderline Tendency PRPND (higher in the clinical sample) and Conforming PRPND (higher in the general population). Conclusion: Our results ref lect the reality of adolescents in PRPND in our context and represent state of alert for the clinician when interpreting high scores on the MACI
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