La acción de los poderes locales en la primera expansión astur (siglos IX-X)

  1. José María Mínguez Fernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca, España
Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades

ISSN: 0717-5248

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: El mundo medieval: gentes, estructuras y mentalidades

Year: 20

Volume: 1

Pages: 53-71

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades


The swift Astur expansion between the Cantabrian range and the Duero river is explained in this article from the perspective of the persistence of population and of some kind of political organization, no matter how rudimentary. The defense of this thesis is based on the proven fact of an Astur occupation of several settlements of the Duero plateau, which had been in the more or less remote past centers of social control or of military organization and that, before their conquest, would turn to be the seat of local powers with authority over small districts and that had little or no articulation between themselves. Deeply knowing the territory and with government experience, they would end up accepting the supremacy of Astur kings. This acceptance would be rewarded by their integration in the kingdom´s new aristocracy alongside the old Astur aristocracy and the ecclesiastical elite of bishops and abbots.