Viudedad femenina y "sati" en la India a partir de fuentes geográficas, mapas y grabados en compendios geográficos

  1. Lía Fernández Sangrador 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España



ISSN: 2695-6403

Year of publication: 2023

Year: 5

Issue: 8

Pages: 169-199

Type: Article

More publications in: IgualdadES


The article focuses on analysing the discrimination and inequality suffered by widowed women in India from different geographical sources. It follows a chronological timeline, which covers different historical periods. It starts with an approach to the concept of sati. Through classical references and medieval travellers’ accounts, it explores the formation and transmission of the idea of self-immolation of widowed wives in the European collective imagination, which is then transferred to the creation of a symbolic image. The iconography allusive to this practice included in the miniatures that illuminate the historical maps is then studied. The engravings present in geographical compendiums are also reviewed.

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