Managing learning objects metadata
- Hugo Rego 1
- Tiago Moreira 1
- Francisco José García 1
Universidad de Salamanca
- López Eire, Antonio (dir.)
- García Peñalvo, Francisco José (ed. lit.)
- Seoane Pardo, Antonio Miguel (ed. lit.)
- Morales Morgado, Erla Mariela (ed. lit.)
Publisher: Asociación Española de Estudios sobre Lengua, Pensamiento y Cultura Clásica
ISBN: 978-84-930218-4-9
Year of publication: 2007
Pages: 103-107
Type: Book chapter
Our aim is to provide a system with adaptive and knowledgemanagement abilities for students and teachers using the IMS specifications torepresent information through metadata, granting semantics and meaning to allcontents in the system. The tools of our system along with metadata are used tosatisfy requirements like reusability, interoperability and multipurpose. Thesystem provides tools to define learning methods with adaptive characteristics,and tools to create courses allowing users with different roles, promotingseveral types of collaborative and group learning. It includes tools to retrieve,import and evaluate learning objects based on metadata, allowing students touse quality educational contents fitting their characteristics, and teachers mayuse quality educational contents to structure their courses. In this paper we willpresent the metadata management and quality evaluation components of thesystem since they play an important role in order to get the best results in theteaching/learning process.