Análisis técnico-energético, económico y medioambiental de tecnologías solares de concentración de media temperatura para el sector industrial lácteo en España

Dirigée par:
  1. Francisco Javier Pérez Trujillo Directeur/trice
  2. Ricardo Díaz Martín Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 juillet 2022

  1. Federico Morán Abad President
  2. Yolanda Martínez Solana Secrétaire
  3. Carlos Mayo del Rio Rapporteur
  4. Anselmo César Soto Pérez Rapporteur
  5. Antonio Macías García Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The perception of environmental protection has evolved very positively, which is why the interest in developing methods capable of specifying the impacts generated by products and services on the environment is continuously growing, with the appearance of methodologies and tools that make it possible to quantify them. As a result, we are immersed in a scenario oriented towards research to find ways of minimising the effects of products and processes on the environment, where more and more companies are taking the initiative to adopt pollution prevention strategies and environmental management systems. And all this without forgetting the technical‐energetic and economic aspects, as their development and improvement would boost the implementation of this type of medium‐temperature concentrated solar technologies to generate process heat in the agri‐food industrial sector, and not only in the dairy sector. Energy consumption in the industrial sector has increased considerably over the last two decades, which has led to an increase in CO2 emissions, a greenhouse gas so long‐lasting that even if man‐made emissions were to cease completely, temperatures would not fall significantly for thousands of years, so the sooner the appropriate measures are taken, the sooner this process will begin, not of recovery, but of maintaining our world in habitable conditions...