Medio siglo del libro de Malefakis: en torno al origen de la Guerra Civil Española

  1. Ricardo Robledo Hernández
Documentos de trabajo de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 19

Type: Working paper


Half a century has gone by since the publication of Agrarian Reform by Malefakis (1932-2016). Even so, scholars of not only the agrarian issue but of sociopolitical conflictivity of the twentieth century economic history cannot ignore this work that goes beyond the limits of agrarian history. The present article –between intellectual history, agrarian history and political economy- develops the following aspects. First, it studies Malefakis’ involvement with the “field” of conservative historiography, given the academic political context of the time. Secondly, the article analyses some of the main influences the author received and their impact on Malefakis’s explanation of the conflictivity or on the origins of the Spanish Civil War. The third section, of a more historiographic nature, explores some of the connections between Latifundismo, democracy and civil war. The epilogue gathers some of the conclusions with a methodological comment and a connection with the context of the Spanish Second Republic.