Los depósitos cenozoicos del surco de Sepúlveda-Ayllón y su relación con las fallas norte de Somosierra y del borde norte del Sistema Central

  1. J. Luengo Olmos 1
  2. F. Nozal Martín 1
  3. Manuel Montes Santiago 1
  4. Ildefonso Armenteros Armenteros 2
  5. Fabián López Olmedo 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Infraestructura Geocientífica. Área de Cartografía Geocientífica. IGME
  2. 2 Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Ano de publicación: 2008

Título do exemplar: VII Congreso Geológico de España

Número: 10

Páxinas: 1189-1192

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Geotemas (Madrid)


The Sepulveda-Ayllón sub-basin lies in the southeastern border of the Duero basin. By means of a detailed lithostratigraphic research and facies mapping, seven new allostratigraphic units have been defined in the area and sixteen lithofacies have been recognised. The units are bounded by unconformities and/or sedimentary breaks. The age of the stratigraphic units of the Sepúlveda-Ayllón sub-basin spans late Cretaceous to Pliocene. The three older units and the youngest one have been correlated with other well dated stratigraphic units in the adjacent Duero basin. Magnetostratigraphic analysis, together with its well-documented mammal fossil record, provide a rather precised chronology for the miocene basin infill, spanning beyond chron C5AB to chron C4Ar. Tertiary deposits of the Sepulveda-Ayllón sub-basin comprise different clastic systems that were fed up by uplifting structures related to successive movements of the Central System and to climatic conditions. According to the chronological insight of the units, it´s possible to point out the movement cessation age of the two main structures controlling this area (Somosierra north border fault and Central System north border fault).