Narrativas de resistencia en “La Emancipada” de Miguel Riofríoanálisis literario desde la Teoría Crítica

  1. Hidalgo Andrade, Gabriel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de los Hemisferios

    Universidad de los Hemisferios

    Quito, Ecuador


Revista ComHumanitas

ISSN: 1390-776X

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Popular music and counterculture

Volume: 10

Issue: 3

Pages: 123-135

Type: Article

DOI: 10.31207/RCH.V10I3.214 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista ComHumanitas


Emancipada is the first Ecuadorian novel and one of the first Latin American in the subgenre of literary realism, however, it goes unnoticed for the university debate two centuries after the birth of its author Miguel Riofrío. By the contribution of this work, more than a century and a half later, it can be demonstrated, from the critical theory to which it precedes by far, that in this one you can find greater and better vestiges of denunciation for the dignity of people, Human rights and the right to resistance. This work is divided into five parts. In the first one, the writing of the work analyzed in its historical moment and according to the author's social environment will be contextualized. In the second part we will study the discursive environment of ideas in La Emancipada and the author's thinking in the context of his narrative. In the third part, resistance and disobedience will be analyzed as categories of study in the environment of the social and creative process of the work. In the fourth part, he will evaluate the influence of the mother figure of the protagonist of the story according to the categories anticipated in the previous section. The last part is dedicated to establishing conclusions.

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