Dama zǐ /hǎo en las inscripciones óseas

  1. Xǔ Jǐnjīng 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02f40zc51

Boletín del Archivo Epigráfico

ISSN: 2603-9117

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 10

Pages: 163-180

Type: Article

More publications in: Boletín del Archivo Epigráfico


The Shāng Dynasty is a distant and mysterious Chinese dynasty. Nowadays, our knowledge about her is still very limited, but from the information that we have been able to reach, we have discovered a big difference between her and the later dynasties namely, it is probable that in the Shāng dynasty the social status of women was higher than that of traditionally known Confucian China. Based on the relevant bone inscriptions of jiǎgǔwén, in this article we would like to present the life of 婦好 fù Zǐ (also known as fù Hǎo), the woman with the most information recovered from the Shāng dynasty. Lady Zǐ was one of the many spouses of King Wǔ-Dīng, but she also had other positions such as military general, priest, etc. In addition, she also helped her husband rule the kingdom

Bibliographic References

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