Planejamento tributário com operações societáriascritérios de validade utilizados pelo CARF

  1. Martinez, Antonio Lopo
  2. Coelho, Luiz Felipe de Almeida
Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade

ISSN: 1807-1821

Any de publicació: 2016

Títol de l'exemplar: PRÉ-PRINT

Volum: 13

Número: 30

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.5007/2175-8069.2016V13N30P193 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Altres publicacions en: Revista Contemporânea de Contabilidade


What’s legal to do to reduce, delay or avoid the tax incidences (tax avoidance) with corporate transaction uses? Foreign researches say that to answer this question is not an easy task. In Brazil, this is more difficulty due to the fact that the legal representatives formally designed to carry out such marking - such as "simulation", "evasion of the law," among others - in practice are applied in a confused way, or simply are not applied . Meanwhile, it is widely recognized the importance of such practices in searching for better business performance. In this research, it was analyzed the Administrative Council Judgments of Tax Appeals (CARF) published from 2008 to 2013 that judged tax avoidance behaviors using typical corporate transactions (fission, fusion and incorporation). This study, forgoing track concepts pre-established by law (as said, "simulation", "fraud" and "abuse of way or right", etc.), came directly from case factual characteristics under the basing analyze used by judges and their conclusion, using the methodology created by Alchourrón and Bulygin in 1975, known as "normative systems", adjusted in a similar way as  done by Shoueri et. al. in 2010. At the end, we concluded that the besides-tax motivation of the transactions, the consideration that the facts occurred such as they were described by the taxpayer and the respect for non-tax cogent norms, in this order, are important hallmarks of convincing the judges. Other properties such as adequate time interval between operations and independence between the involved ones are equally validity criterion.

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