Smart Contracts y Activos Digitales a la Luz del Derecho Sucesorio Ecuatoriano

  1. Andrade Ureña, Ricardo Fabricio 1
  2. Ron Castro, Esteban Patricio 1
  3. Ordoñez Gutiérrez, Ana Camila 1
  4. Albuja Ponce, Roque Xavier 1
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional del Ecuador

    Universidad Internacional del Ecuador

    Quito, Ecuador


MIKARIMIN Revista Multidisciplinaria

ISSN: 2528-7842

Any de publicació: 2023

Títol de l'exemplar: enero-abril. PUBLICADO: 27-01-2023

Volum: 9

Número: 1

Pàgines: 55-90

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: MIKARIMIN Revista Multidisciplinaria


Smart Contracts and Digital Assets in the Light of Ecuadorian Inheritance LawABSTRACTModern technologies facilitate aspects of human life, enriching themselves with opportunities for new forms of communication, learning and knowledge, which allow various activities to be carried out in a much cheaper, faster, and more efficient way. The legal world is no stranger to this new revolution. The degree of modern development hand in hand with technology, the era of digitization and globalization in general, has also broadened the spectrum of human relationships, as Omelchuck and Iliopol (2021) would say, who recognize that the relationships that arise in around the new digital space. The use and disposition of said intangible assets after the death of their owner is a factor that determines the need to regulate said relationships in the field of law, in this case, specifically in the field of succession. We are currently used to hearing around us terms such as smart contracts, digital assets and blockchain, aspects that are necessarily intruded into people's daily lives to such a degree that the law needs to adapt to these new changes to generate conscious and adequate regulations. The effectiveness of legal regulation arises from a certain solid-scientific base that allows the identification of the basic aspects of these technological tools that will be adapted to adequately regulated normative acts. Expanding the range of protected rights (tangible and intangible objects), and looking for the most suitable tools or instruments to guarantee their protection and exercise (smart contracts through blockchain networks), is a work that is born from the theoretical development of the same, For this reason, it will be essential to first know and be clear about the definition and nature of these concepts, which are addressed in the following work.KEYWORDS: smart contracts; digital assets; blockchain.

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